Active parental involvement in preschool is an essential component of our program.

We prioritize modeling healthy interpersonal skills and fostering kind citizenship in the classroom. Our high adult-to-child ratios allow the workday adults to:

  • Be present in the moment

  • Actively listen

  • Validate feelings

  • Encourage children’s expression of feelings

  • Help children develop empathy by modeling care for friends

  • Respect everyone's ideas and interests

We believe that teaching children how to navigate social interactions and resolve conflicts successfully is essential to their learning experience. Simply telling a child not to do a certain action, such as throwing sand at their friend, might stop the behavior from happening once, but it won't help the child understand why it is wrong or prevent it from happening again. Therefore, we prioritize regularly practicing positive and effective communication skills with children, as learning is an ongoing process.

Other adult family members may fill in for the primary parent in the classroom, and all caregivers are encouraged to attend parent-ed meetings and webinars.

Adults who will be working in the classroom are screened at the time of registration.